Open label
- Histologically confirmed malignant melanoma with measurable metastases in the brain. Both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. Cohort A (asymptomatic patients): At least 1 measurable brain metastasis ≥ 0.5 cm in and ≤ 3 cm in longest diameter that has not been previously irradiated. No clinical requirement for local intervention (surgery, radiosurgery, corticosteroid therapy) or other systemic therapy Cohort B (symptomatic patients): Subjects with neurologic signs and symptoms related to metastatic brain lesions are eligibile. Subjects must have at least 1 measurable brain metastasis ≥ 0.5 cm in and ≤ 3 cm in longest diameter that has not been previously irradiated. No immediate requirement (within 3 weeks prior to first treatment) for local intervention (surgery, radiosurgery, corticosteroid therapy). Steroid use is permitted as defined in the protocol. - Prior stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) and prior excision of up to 3 melanoma brain metasta
- History of known leptomeningeal involvement (lumbar puncture not required) - Previous stereotactic or highly conformal radiotherapy within 3 weeks before the start of dosing for this study. Note the stereotactic radiotherapy field must not have included the brain index lesion(s) - Brain lesions >3 lesions which were previously treated with SRT - Brain lesion size > 3cm 3. Medical History and Concurrent Diseases a) History of whole brain irradiation b) Subjects with an active, known or suspected autoimmune disease c) Subjects with major medical, neurologic or psychiatric condition who are judged as unable to fully comply with study therapy or assessments should not be enrolled d) Any concurrent malignancy other than non-melanoma skin cancer or carcinoma in situ of the cervix. For any prior invasive malignancy, at least 5 years must have elapsed since curative therapy and patients must have no residual sequelae of prior therapy e) Cohort A (asymptomatic): The use