Double blind
V600E MT, V600K MT
- Histologically confirmed cutaneous melanoma that is either Stage IIIC (unresectable) or Stage IV (metastatic), and determined to be BRAF V600E/K mutation-positive using the bioMerieux (bMx) investigational use only (IUO) THxID BRAF Assay (IDE: G120011). The assay will be conducted by a central reference laboratory. Subjects with ocular or mucosal melanoma are not eligible. - The subject must have a radiologically measurable tumor - The subject is able to carry out daily life activities without significant difficulty (ECOG performance status score of 0 or 1). - Able to swallow and retain oral medication - Sexually active subjects must use acceptable methods of contraception during the course of the study - Adequate organ system function and blood counts.
- Prior treatment with a BRAF or a MEK inhibitor - Prior systemic anti-cancer treatment for Stage IIIC (unresectable) or Stage IV (metastatic) melanoma. Prior systemic treatment in the adjuvant setting is allowed. (Note: Ipilimumab treatment must end at least 8 weeks prior to randomization.) - The subject has received major surgery or certain types of cancer therapy within 21 days of starting treatment - Current use of prohibited medication listed in the protocol - Left ventricular ejection fraction less than the lower limit of normal - Uncontrolled blood pressure - History or current evidence of retinal vein occlusion or central serous retinopathy - Brain metastases unless previously treated with surgery or stereotactic radiosurgery and the disease has been stable for at least 12 weeks - The subject is pregnant or nursing.